Build Better Teams
What is the Everything DiSC® Workplace?
Everything DiSC® Workplace® is an assessment-based learning experience that engages each participant in building
more effective relationships at work.
It teaches people to understand themselves and others while learning to appreciate the different behavioural
preferences and tendencies each person brings to the workplace.
The Workplace Learning Experience
1.Take the Assessement
The research-validated Everything DiSC® assessment asks participants to respond to behavioural statements on a five-point scale. Built using the latest adaptive testing methodology, each participant receives precise insights to personalise their experience.
2. Discover Unique Disc Profile
The results of each DiSC® assessment are delivered to learners through their personalised, narrative-style profile. Participants discover their DiSC style and deepen their understanding of self and others while learning how to build better workplace relationships.
3. Bring the learning to life
The Everything Disc® Workplace profile comes to life in a fully customisable, virtual, or in-person classroom training experience designed to inspire rich conversations and insights that encourage lasting behaviour change for individuals and teams.
4. Apply DiSC to Real-World
Situations Using Catalyst™
Learners gain ongoing access to the Catalyst platform, a personalised learning platform that connects learners to their DiSC® profile, their colleagues, and their teams to gain real-time tips for more effective interactions.
Everything DiSC® Workplace Learning Modules
Led by our Everything DiSC® experts, the Everything DiSC® Workplace profile comes to life through learning modules designed and tailored with your specific goals in mind. Workshops can be led in person or virtually depending on your needs. Below is a sample program, each workshop or training session is fully tailored to your desired outcomes.
Module 1: Your DiSC® Style
Participants learn about the DiSC® model and map, helping them understand their unique DiSC® style and gain personalised insights.
Module 2: Your Colleagues
Participants learn more about one another on the Catalyst platform “Your Colleagues” page. They discuss their continua results and find new ways to work together.
Module 3: What Drives You
Participants discover their workplace priorities, motivators, and stressors, helping them see how they compare to other styles and consider ways to be more effective at work.
Module 4: You and Other Styles
Using the DiSC® model to better understand the people they work with, participants consider how they respond to the different DiSC® styles.
Module 5: Build Better Relationships
Participants create strategies and action plans to overcome challenges when working with people of different DiSC® styles.
Download a sample Report
View sample reports for each of the Everything DiSC® profiles, as well as facilitator supplements, group reports and comparison reports.
Our Brand Partners
We pride ourselves on partnering with some of the world's most renowned and respected brands. We work diligently to not only provide them with impactful solutions, but to maintain a healthy relationship of support. From industry-leading innovators to household names, our commitment to excellence ensures that each brand we service receives top-tier solutions.
Performance Partners are authorised partners of Everything DISC
Everything DiSC® is the World’s Number 1 Learning and Development tool used by over 8 million people. Participants receive personalised insights that deepen their understanding of self and others, making workplace interactions more enjoyable and effective.
Wiley DiSC® profiles are the most trusted, validated and reliable DiSC® products on the market. Wiley are the leading research and development organisation in behavioural sciences in the workplace with published validation reports for its profiles.
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